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  • Forecast of the development trend of the rubber industry: an increase of 8-10% in 2021
    [Industry News] Forecast of the development trend of the rubber industry: an increase of 8-10% in 2021

    According to the prediction of the Association of Natural Rubber Producing Countries (ANRPC), the world's natural rubber production will drop by 6.8% in 2020 due to the fall in rubber prices, climate change and other factors. The world's natural rubber consumption is expected to fall by 7.3% in 2020 and increase by 8-10% in 2021.

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  • Non-tire rubber companies have a hard time this year
    [Industry News] Non-tire rubber companies have a hard time this year

    Medical-related rubber materials may become better A few days ago, the 2020 ranking of the top 50 non-tire rubber products in the world organized by the European Rubber Journal (ERJ) was announced. The rankings show that in 2019, most of the non-tire rubber companies saw a decline in sales revenue, a decline in profits, and a decline in gross profit margins. The non-tire rubber industry as a whole has entered a downward channel. In 2020, the new crown pneumonia epidemic will have a great impact on downstream industries such as the automobile industry. The non-tire rubber industry will continue to decline, and the situation is not optimistic. However, medical-related rubber materials may become a new hot spot for non-tire rubber products.

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  • The prices of rubber, steel, plastics and other raw materials have risen and risen
    [Industry News] The prices of rubber, steel, plastics and other raw materials have risen and risen

    "The increase in rubber products prices is directly due to the increase in the price of the main raw material rubber. In September last year, the price of rubber was more than 8,000 yuan per ton, and now it is more than 16,000 yuan, which has doubled." Manager Mou, who has been engaged in tire distribution for nearly 20 years, said that roughly there are There are several reasons. One is Southeast Asia, the main producer of rubber raw materials, due to the epidemic, coupled with the impact of heavy rains and

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  •  Raw materials price risen and risen
    [Industry News] Raw materials price risen and risen

    Since the second half of 2020 year, affected by factors such as capacity reduction and tight international relations, the price of raw materials has soared. After the holiday, the "price hike" surged again, even more than 50%, and even the wages of workers have been "rising." "... The pressure from the upstream "price increase" is transmitted to downstream industries such as shoes and apparel, home appliances, home furnishings, tires, and panels, and has varying degrees of impact.

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Factory: Hongsan Rubber Industrial Park,Tiantai county,Taizhou city,Zhejiang province,China.

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